
About Tamara Low

Warm greetings! 

I am in awe of the Forest, a sacred, awe-filled space brimming with wild beauty and synergistic, balanced perfection. The Forest and the natural world are our teachers if we listen and pay deep attention. 

I am beginning to offer consultations in creating food forests or forest gardens on our urban properties. In doing so, we are creating functional, regenerative and beautiful landscapes that contribute locally to our nutrition needs, increasing our self-reliance and building community. 

In addition, we are also creating ecosystems for pollinators and nectary, insectary, and other species, optimizing soil health, and collecting rainwater. 

Permaculture is a system to design regenerative human habitats- food, water, waste, homes, etc. 

I am working towards further studies in soil regeneration and herbology to assist people in creating medicinal gardens to support their health and those we share the planet with. 

I have been creating a food forest in my front and back yard, rainwater harvesting and have been approved for a Pilot Project removing my home from fossil fuels. 

See  ‘articles’ for more on permaculture and eco- lifestyle topics. 

Please feel free to connect! tamara@forestpath.ca, See you on the Forest Path. 

In excitement, 


A Portrait Image of a Woman With Streaks of Gray Hair

Permaculture Designer, Herbology and Soil Student, Writer.

Book Your Appointment With Acuity Below

The Forest Path of Healing

Coming Home to Ourselves

About Forest Path 

I am passionate about releasing, dissolving and rewiring the internalized inner messages, beliefs and conditioning that we absorbed and took on that do not belong to us and, therefore, inhibit us from freely expressing and connecting to our Soul’s guidance, wisdom and joy trajectory. 

Highly Sensitive people often take on messages in a deeper, whole-hearted way. This I know. 

Reclaiming who we were before taking on board and believing who others told us we were and were not. 

I delight in working with Sensitive, Self-aware Gentle-Wild, Souls with a passion for growth, wholeness, aliveness and a deep connection to the natural world! 

Exploring questions such as

-Does your life feel low on joy, play, creative spark and vibrant colour?

Are you hard on yourself?

-Do you find yourself in repetitive situations or internal struggle patterns?

-What thoughts, beliefs, and wounding prevent you from living a life you would love? 


-What deeply lights you up?

-When do you feel the most alive, peaceful and at ease?

I would be delighted to guide you in the following: 

-Reclaiming alive, joyful, passionate parts of us that light us up, that we truly love!

-Creating Inner Alignment and congruency between the Self and the Soul!

-The freedom to be unapologetically and authentically ourselves. 

-Inner and outer ease and freedom and the joy of feeling and knowing we are on a path aligned with our Soul.

-attaining a deeper connection to ourselves and others.

How do we do this?

-By giving voice and care to the somatic (body) sensations crying out for our attention. 

-Honouring the truth about how we feel.

-Reconnecting with parts of us that need to be heard.  

-leaning into internalized False Beliefs and Conditioned Paradigms

-Healing Shame and Inner Pain.

**You feeling safe, seen, heard and respected is my utmost priority

I honour you, your truth and how you feel.

For almost 12 years, I have found EFT Tapping to be an incredible guide to safely and gently explore the parts of us that need to express, be heard and be given a voice. 

Through a series of pictures, Picture Tapping helps us to resolve an issue by tapping on the images and the title of the picture, not the feelings, emotions and sensations directly. The practitioner does not need to know what the person is tapping on but guides the process through the images and colours to find a resolution.

I offer Pranic Healing sessions to assist with inner healing, turmoil, stress, overwhelm, trauma, etc., through our energy system.

Please feel free to reach out to me at tamara@forestpath.ca with any questions or comments or book a free 15-minute chat

I look forward to connecting! 


“I’ll tell you right now, the doors to the world of the wild self are few but precious. If you have a deep scar, that is the door, if you have an old, old story, that is the door. If you love the sky and the water so much you almost cannot not bear it, that is the door. If you yearn for a deeper life, a full life, a sane life, that is a door.”

From “Women Who Run With the Wolves: Myths and Stores of the Wild Woman Archetype”. Clarissa Pinkola Este’s, Ph.D.


Forest Path Permaculture


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